“The problem may seem insurmountable from one perspective”
Lowell McAdam, President & CEO, Verizon Wireless, MBA University of San Diego 1983, EEUU.
“I picked up more tools getting my MBA at USD than i did anywhere else along the way.
The professor in my capstone course taught us to hold up a problem like a diamond and look at it from different perspectives. The problem may seem insurmountable from one perspective, but if you flip it around, you may find it to be solvable. I use this technique at Verizon Wireless Where we look at a lot of problems and turn them into opportunities”. Lowell McAdam was a naval officer with an engineering background and an MBA student in 1983 when he walked up to the Pacific Bell table at a USD career fair and decided that the telecommunications industry could be an interesting place to start his post-military career. Today, MacAdam oversees a $44 billion company with 66 million customers and 69,000 employees as the President and CEO of Verizon Wireless.