Organized by School of Business, Woxsen University, Hyderabad, India, in collaboration with University of St. Thomas, MN, USA Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge Processing have emerged as driving forces behind a transformative shift across industries, redefining processes and paving the way towards a future fueled by automation and data-driven decision-making.Continue Reading


The Principles for Responsible Management Education will gather business school leaders, faculty, students, businesses and sustainable development organizations for a Responsible Management Education Week, on 12 – 16 June 2023, in New York (USA), to advance responsible management education and its impact worldwide. The 11th Edition of PRME Global Forum will be part of this week, takingContinue Reading

ASCOLFA Gira Académica Innovación en Las IES Barcelona 2022 El taller “Innovación en Las IES”, desarrollará los elementos fundamentales de la innovación enfocados en el sector de la educación superior. Proporcionará los conocimientos para liderar e impulsar iniciativas y procesos de innovación en instituciones universitarias, con un enfoque 100% realistaContinue Reading


AMBA & BGA‘s Accreditation Forum takes place every year and is specifically designed to help prepare accreditation professionals at Business Schools that are applying for AMBA and/or BGA accreditation or re-accreditation. The event is designed for Business Schools considering or undergoing AMBA and/or BGA accreditation; Business Schools seeking an understandingContinue Reading

Register Here Registration is free for all PRME Signatories. Is your institution a PRME Signatory? If not, learn more about joining PRME here and sign up here. Accelerating the Collective Impact of Management Education in the Decade of Action The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative of the United Nations Global Compact isContinue Reading

Las escuelas de negocios requieren desarrollar nuevas competencias que demanda el mercado ante la actual coyuntura ¿Cuál será el futuro del trabajo, su impacto económico y social a nivel global? Hoy en día, enfrentamos un escenario donde resulta necesario lograr una sinergia entre las Escuelas de Negocios, empresas y sectorContinue Reading