
“Los estudiantes latinoamericanos son una parte vital de nuestra comunidad global en MPOWER. Ofrecemos préstamos sin necesidad de garantías ni cofirmantes a estudiantes de toda América Latina que quieran cursar o estén cursando títulos en EE. UU. o Canadá”; afirma Francesca Falcone, Regional Head LATAM de MPower Financing. Hoy enContinue Reading

Camila Novaes, Client Marketing Director and Inclusion & Diversity Lead at VisaFormer Student of OneMBA, EAESP FGV, Brazil I began my career in marketing and communication, but along the way, I realized I needed a deeper understanding of numbers and business strategy. Although I gained some knowledge on the job,Continue Reading

Cecilia Figueroa, Director Communications, Global Portfolio Division, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, MBA Thunderbird School of Global  Management, EEUU My time at Thunderbird was incredibly meaningful and represented a truly transformative experience for me. Thunderbird is a community beyond the classrooms, a global network of leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs dedicated to advancing inclusiveContinue Reading

México Objetivo del MBA El objetivo de la Maestría en Administración (MBA) es formar ejecutivos líderes con amplia visión global, capaces de innovar y emprender dentro de un entorno competitivo y de dirigir organizaciones, contribuyendo a la creación de valor y al desarrollo de su entorno y de la sociedad.Continue Reading

Escuela de Negocios y Empresarismo Gurabo – Puerto Rico La Universidad Ana G Méndez (UAGM) es el segundo sistema universitario más grande de Puerto Rico con sobre 20,000 estudiantes. La UAGM se ha convertido en una institución dinámica y en constante crecimiento, siendo catalítico para el desarrollo de iniciativas deContinue Reading

Take the next step in your global career Thunderbird School of Global Management is the world’s premier leadership, management, and business school. For more than 75 years, Thunderbird has empowered leaders to tackle the world’s greatest challenges. As part of Arizona State University, ranked No. 1 “Most Innovative School” inContinue Reading

When it comes to looking for a destination to study an MBA, Latin American professionals have a strategic partner in Spain, whose history, language and culture are no strangers to it. If you are looking for quality, affordability and an excellent study abroad experience packed with round-trip exploration opportunities, SpainContinue Reading