Special report: The Best MBA programs for Latin American (candidates) 2021 MBA International Business has just published its recent edition of the first quarter 2021, where it includes a special report on “The best MBA programs for -candidates- Latin Americans 2021. The report presents a series of articles and interviewsContinue Reading

MBA International Business / Edición No. 73 / Abril-Junio 2020 4.- ¿Cuál será el futuro del trabajo, el impacto social y el rol de las escuelas de negocios? Una pandemia cambió la forma de gestionar en diferentes sectores productivos y de servicios. El mercado global requiere profesionales disruptivos y consientesContinue Reading

MBA International Business /Sumario Edición No. 72 / Enero-Marzo 2020 4.- Marketing Your Business School During a Pandemic: 4 Tips Rather than stop your marketing efforts, adapt your messaging and highlight your school’s strengths to attract candidates looking for a new opportunity. Marco De Novellis, Editor of BusinessBecause 8.- Informe especial:Continue Reading

MBA International Business / Sumario Edición No. 71 / Octubre 2019 4.- Cómo hacer que destaque su aplicación MBA 8.- Tips for studying an MBA Choosing an MBA is not easy, so it is important to find an advisor who provides the necessary guidance. In this exclusive interview for MBAContinue Reading