09:00 – 14:00 (10) EDT

mon06mayfri10Location: Miami, USA



Event Details

Target Group
Programme Directors, Associate/Assistant Deans of Teaching & Learning, and Senior Program Managers with a complete overview of (though not necessarily direct responsibility for) the entire academic cycle: admissions, programme design & administration, career services, and alumni management.

For each stream intake, the Executive Academy also seeks to accept managers of corporate universities or executives of corporate talent management departments to cross-fertilize group learning. Corporate participants can improve their understanding of and their ability to interact with business schools.

Executive Academy journey starts with a preparatory phase, which includes self-study and a comprehensive 360° feedback exercise administered with the support of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL).

The core of the Executive Academy is a face-to-face week in the selected region, with the maximum of 20 participants admitted to each stream.


Speakers for this event

  • Jordi Diaz
    Director of Executive Academy, Associate Dean EADA Business School
  • Monica Sacristan
    Dean of Executive Development at ITAM
  • Steven Poelmans
    Leadership professor at EADA, Spain and Antwerp


Participants will:

  • Advance through a self-discovery process to better understand their strengths and limitations, which will contribute to the bridging of self-knowledge and self-leadership.
  • Learn how to drive a strategy-driven programme design and review process, how to manage different performance layers and how to interlink stakeholder expectations and satisfaction.
  • Understand and implement disruptive strategies in business education and map performance metrics to actions and milestones.

The face-to-face week will be followed by a project phase at the participants’ home institutions with support and feedback provided by faculty facilitators and personal coaches.

A rigorous and challenging admission process ensures that peer-to-peer interaction in the Executive Academy will be meaningful and ability-enhancing for all participants.


Application process:

  • Please, fill in the application formand send it to exec.academy@efmdglobal.org.
  • Your application will be reviewed by EA Director.
  • You will be interviewed in a 30-minute call with the Programme Stream Leader.
  • Upon completion of the steps above, the EA Director will submit the recommendation for your admission to a Steering Committee which approves participant’s enrolment.



Executive Academy – EFMD GN CEE



Miami, USA



6 (Monday) 09:00 – 10 (Friday) 14:00 EDT



EFMD GN Americas

1101 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida 33131

